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European Paganini Route
Within the panorama of European culture, Niccolò Paganini played a decisive role, not only in the field of music, but also as an expression of a historical era of great changes, which led to the establishment of a new European citizenship, between the 18th and 19th centuries.
Always in contact with other great composers and musicians of his time, in various European countries, performing in major theatres, he consolidated this vision of a complete, virtuoso and unique European artist, particularly as a violinist, whose fame is still very much alive today and a source of inspiration for younger generations.
Numerous cultural and music festivals are dedicated to him and he is mentioned in literary, artistic and even wine and food contexts, even overseas.
He was able to unite different audiences, dealing with musicians from different backgrounds while always respecting their back- grounds and diversity of styles.
Niccolò Paganini (Genoa, 27 October 1782 – Nice, 27 May 1840): trained in his home town, essentially self-taught, he first made himself known in Italy and then, from 1828, throu- ghout Europe, during a memorable tour that ended in 1834 after having toured the main musical centres of Austria, Bohemia, Poland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland and Belgium. Paganini’s European tour is being studied by numerous experts based on the documents that have come down to us and have been collected, as well as the concert programmes. It is estimated that from 1828 to 1834 Paganini held 400 concerts; 2271 days of tour, over 20,000 kilometres travelled by carriage, over 100,000 spectators.
By visiting these places, the contemporary traveller can follow artistic, cultural, educatio- nal and academic activities offered, theatres and historical centres in numerous Europe- an cities to experience and discover one of the most eclectic and brilliant musicians of all time.
Paganini and Mozart are considered the first great “Europeans” in the history of music.


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